How will I manage the prosthesis on my own? Will I have to come back in the future?

Every prosthesis will be delivered with full verbal and written instructions as well as a thorough demonstration in how it is used. Check-ups are very helpful to assure maximum comfort with and benefit from the prosthesis. Any prosthetic device will require repair/replacement at some point, but need of these services will depend on the type of prosthesis and individual use and wear habits. Since we treat silicone as an art media constantly we have developed ...

2023-09-19T12:50:42-05:00May 21st, 2018||

What should I look for in getting my facial/aesthetic prosthesis?

We recommend that you always have a personal interview with a dedicated facial anaplastologist and view a comprehensive portfolio of full-face or close-up high quality photographs of the clinical results before deciding to begin treatment with the anaplastologist. Good photos will provide some reference for how closely the colors and textures will match and blend in with your skin. Photographs go a long way in building your confidence in your anaplastologist’s ability to instill a ...

2023-09-19T12:50:42-05:00May 21st, 2018||

What is Prosthetics? Anaplastology?

Prosthetic is a general term referring to an artificial or man-made part of the body. The term “Prosthetics” is often associated with the field of prosthetic limbs (artificial arms and legs). However; dentures, plastic eyes, mastectomy forms, wigs and artificial hip joints are all prostheses too. Each kind of prosthesis is generally created by a different type of practitioner. Anaplastology (coined by Dr.Walter Spohn circa 1980) is a newer term also referring to the art ...

2023-09-19T12:50:42-05:00May 21st, 2018||

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