Anaplastologist and Prosthetist Greg Gion, MMS, CCA, BOCP, spoke about craniofacial prostheses to the NU Prosthetics-Orthotics Student Society (NUPOSS) at NUPOC. Craniofacial prostheses play an essential role in improving the lives of persons who need facial restoration due to congenital difference, disease, burns or other traumatic injury.

Gion gave a brief overview of his profession, noting that historically ocularists and denturists may be family-based enterprises that transfer their specialized skills on a one-to-one, apprenticeship basis. From the 1980s, the specialization coalesced and morphed from the Association of Biomedical Sculptors to the American Anaplastology Association to its current professional entity, the International American Anaplastology Association. He noted that the profession would benefit from legislative support and standardization of training through an advanced P&O degree followed by a practice-based residency.

Gion discussed the fit and fabrication of biomimetic ocular, nasal, auricular and facial prostheses. He illustrated his talk with anaplastology prostheses and slides. He demonstrated anchoring techniques for ocular, nasal and auricular silicone prostheses, including adhesive-retained, glasses-retained, hollow bulb, two-piece magnetically anchored and osseo-integration prostheses.

Gion is the founder of Medical Art Prosthetics (MAP), a rehabilitative center that creates unique, patient-specific prostheses with exquisite attention to anatomical detail. MAP has a nationwide network that includes partnerships with surgeons, physicians, employers, payers and case managers who help achieve optimal, cost-effective patient outcomes. He holds a BA in Fine Art, a BS in Biocommunication Arts, and a Master of Medical Science. His clinical training was in facial prosthetics at the Maxillofacial Prosthetics Clinic, University of Illinois-Chicago, where he segued as a qualified facial prosthetist. A pioneer in his field, Gion established a facial prosthetics service for the Northwestern Memorial Hospital Dental Center. He also is a founding member of the International Anaplastology Association.