Finger prostheses have been provided to individuals who have sustained amputation of their fingers. Due to the inherent difficulty of retaining finger prostheses securely to restore grip strength and function many efforts to restore the finger have shifted focus toward cosmesis. These aesthetic silicone prostheses can be detailed and tinted to look very natural, and the restored length does restore passive function.

This project will focus on the development of a mechanical unit that is actuated by flexion/extension in the residual finger and that is adaptable to patient-specific finger sockets created by the prosthetist.

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Team Members
  • Kari Stauss – Team Leader
  • Alexandra Picard – Communicator & BPAG
  • Lauren Taylor – BSAC
  • Lazura Krasteva – BWIG
Advisor and Client
  • Jeremy Rogers – Advisor
  • Mr. Gregory Gion – Client