We are proud to announce

Our home base facility in Madison, Wisconsin for the creation of life-like facial and body prosthetics was once again awarded a 3-year national accreditation by the Board for Certification/Accreditation, International (BOC).

This earned designation recognized by CMS (Medicare) confirms to the public that our practice has met strict requirements with protocols in place that prioritize patient privacy and safety. Furthermore, we have been evaluated and our practice is deemed to be qualified to provide extremity prosthetics as well as facial prosthetics and somatic (body) restorations, also known as anaplastology services.

This national accreditation covering both aesthetic and functional prosthetic categories demonstrates our commitment to meeting our patients’ goals.

What is BOC accreditation, and why does it matter?

BOC (Board of Certification/Accreditation) is awarded for meeting the professional standards of BOC, together with all the honors, rights, privileges and responsibilities in pursuit of the mission to assure patients, physicians, professional organizations, the public-at-large, and government agencies and representatives of the competence and professionalism of BOC-Accredited Facilities.

Get started with us and be on your way to a life-like prosthesis you can be proud to wear, contact us.