Prosthetics and anaplastology are fields that increasing must utilize surface scanning and 3D printing technologies for the design, fabrication and fitting of restorative prostheses and related components and devices. The anaplastologist/prosthetist wishes to purchase equipment and the BME student is called upon to research hand held scanners and 3D printing machines that are well matched to produce high resolution facial prosthetics, hand restorations and physical models, within the budget of a small private practice. The project will involve assessing the need for safe scanning, surface resolution, speed, additive or subtractive printing, anatomy of the face and body and how prostheses are designed and fit. A scanner and/or a printer will then be purchased and the students will help implement its use in creating a prosthesis for a patient.

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Team Members
  • Aude Lefranc – Team Leader
  • Cassandra Thomas – Communicator
  • Jesse Wang – BSAC
  • Lida Acuna Huete – BWIG
  • Mufaddal Lakdawala – BPAG
Advisor and Client
  • Thomas Yen – Advisor
  • Mr. Gregory Gion – Client